Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hey Guys,

Took last week off, its just been crazy with work lately.

I'll post hopefully tonight as the HCM Pros that my fiancee sent me arrived. Wing Gundam is awesome but Deathscythe is just unbelievable!

Take care!



Q said...

Life gets in the way when we really want to do our own stuff, doesn't it? At least it will make us look forward to something more than usual. Hopefully things will get smoother for us in the near future.

Apt-1B said...

Thanks Buddy, still working on getting stuff cleared so I can devote more time. Lots to review, so I don't want to get backed up.

Anonymous said...

Hello there

How are you? I’m George. had a look at your blog today. I’m interested in doing a banner exchange with you. drop me a message if you are okay with it. Cheers!

My email: exchangebanner@e2046.com

To: http://korewa-gundam.blogspot.com/