Monday, September 1, 2008

New Banner

Hey All -

Well, I guess I took more time off than I thought. But I'm working on a projects and will be back in full swing this week.

First off is the new banner! I'm working on creating a few banners for a banner exchange, and this was a bit of a test bed.

Its my Perfect Grade RX-78-1. One of my most favorite units in all the series and one of my best paint jobs done by hand ever (with the exception of my PG Mk.II).

I'll post more this week, and maybe work a bit on those eyes on the banner. I wanted them to be gleaming, but that'll take some tweeking.

Until next time -



Q said...

Nice banner of RX-78-1 you've made there! Just a thought but it would look cooler if you can change the colour of the font to make it stand out. I thought of making a random banner header, but it seems to be quite a bit of coding so I'm leaving that for a later time.

Apt-1B said...

Thanks Buddy!

I'm still working on it. Not sure what color would look right, I may need to move the font as well, we'll see.